Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Costume Walkthrough

As my characters of Samantha, I will need a special outfit for the dream scene at the very beginning...
This is the main feature of my costume, a white chiffon dress with short style top.
The pure whiteness of dress could symbolise innocence in the sense that Samantha is innocent in her death throughout the dream.
Also, even though the audience doesn't find out it is a dream until afterwards, the floating bottom half of the dress would give a sense of something dream like and cloudy. If we have it so that Samantha looks to be wearing this and some sneakers as it is getting dark, its not conventional so the audience will assume something is very wrong.
The dress would bring a girly sense to the character i think, and the shoes that have obviously been using for running could make the outfit look out of place too, which all adds to the idea that there is something going wrong, which is found out seconds later.

Once Samantha has been stabbed in the back by this unknown murderer, she spits up a lot of blood. Hopefully we will be able to add a zoomed in insert shot of the blood trickling down the white shirt, giving a bigger contrast than any other coloured dress, and this will hopefully have a bigger impact on the audience.

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