Saturday, 9 February 2013

BBFC Ratings and Similar Genre Films

U - Universal
Scooby Doo and the Ghoul School is a universal rating on the IMDB website, this is because of many things. This means that it only uses bad language such as 'damn' and 'hell' which aren't used regularly. In a horror film, with it being this low of a rating, you are only allowed to see things where characters are only put in danger, however will overcome it quite quickly. This can be reassure by using upbeat tempo busic that uses major and minor chords; but more major than minor. Few violent scenes are allowed unless this is used. No drugs are allowed to be mentioned throughout this film rating, and none are. As these ratings of films aren;t allowed danger that is overcome over a long period of time, you often see many sub plots suring and throughout this. This can build tension numerous amounts of times.
PG - Parental Guidance
Frankenweenie has a parental guidance rating on the IMDB website. This basically means that some scenes will be suitable whereas some scenes won't be, for a general viewing. No bad behaviour is allowed to be promoted, just frowned upon in a ceratin context.this is like bullying, smoking, and drinking. PG horror films contain horror as well as comedy. They contain comedy in this low a rating of horror because comedy takes the edge of how tense situations can be, especially for little children. With violence in horror movies, you are not allowed to show how any injury was inflicted, you are only allowed to see the results of the innjury, unless the infliction was lacking in detail. Weapons will neither be promoted or glamourised withing this rating of horror film. This film obeys all of these rules and makes horror a fun subject for little children to watch.
Woman In Black is an example of a 12A/12 rated film by the IMDB website. The reason this has been rated a 12A because this lets lower audiences be allowed into the cinema to watch it if their parent think that this is actually acceptable for them to see it and not get psychologically harmed. 'Moderate violence' is allowed and injuries and inflictions are allowed to be shown but not in too much detail unless, in this case, it is a horror or a crime drama etc, and fits the context of the film. The BBFC rating of 12 allow the use of the word f*** to be ised during the whole film, but with infrewuent use. Physical threat is allowed for a 12 in this genre but is not allowed to be on for too long, in te same case, nor is psychological threat. Woman in Black is a prime example of a suitable rating. It does have physical and psychological threats at times, but neither of them are prolonged.
Orphan is an example of a horror film that is rated 15 by the BBFC. A horror film of this genre and rating is allowed to use strong violence and language frequently, in this film also there is brief terms and scenes used that would be considered to be discriminating. This could build tension for the audience as you are allowed more things to use that would make things scarier from the things that. The word c*** is allowed to be used occasionally, however. In horror, the guidelines are that there is allowed to be strong menace and threat but the threats should not be sexual or sadistic. This film does not consider any sexual threat not sadistic threats but the film covers aspects that wouldn't be necessarily talked about in real life, nor come across. Any behaviour and actions shown in this film should not convince impressionable teenagers to do anything stupid.
Saw is a film that is rated 18 by the IMDB website and BBFC. This is because of a few main reasons. An 18 is allowed strong violence including sexual violence and strong scenes of sexual activity. In this case, strong blood, gore and horror is shown n this film, which makes this film an 18. You see many circumstances where people are made to kill themselves, by a person's contraptions. There is allowed to be strong and sustained threat in a horror film classed at 18. Even though it is considered that adults can watch whatever they want, there are still some things that have to be cut from 18 work. These are things such as really strong graphic content of sexual acts and things that break the criminal justice system. All Saw does is show really bad horror with blood and gore and sustained threat.

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