Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Mainstream Distributor

I did some research into the kind of distributor that we would consider using for our Horror film.
First, its probably best to looked at some films that would similar to the one you want to make, and then look at the kind of distributors that they have used.
Then its probably best to do some research into the one that looks the best for your film, and for ours I chose Entertainment Film Distributors.
I found this company by looking at the different kinds of films we considered to be similar to ours, like the Scream and Halloween Franchises. when I researched into these films I found that BOTH of them were distributed in the UK by Entertainment Film Distributors.
Also, because of these highly famous movie franchises, it would be great for our film to be distributed by this company as it would give us a lot more publicity. And also because this Distribution company is so well respected in the film business because of the huge films it has been in association with, our film would gain even more publicity, creating a big audience.
There are lots of different Horror style films that Entertainment Films have distributed in the past, including some of the Saw movies, Underworld:Evolution and the Final Destination Series, which means if our film was distributed by this company it would be very easy for them to focus marketing etc to the right audience, as they have had a lot of experience in the Horror Area. 
This distributer would not only give us a lot more publicity than an independant distributor, it would also have the horror experience to distribute it well. :)

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