Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Diary Entry 1

Paige White

 I need to look at the 15 minute film analysis of a similar film and analyse the things used to get ideas from on it's style. I have already looked at many different aspect which include the title sequencing of different films and how they relate to certain things that the film is about. I have also looked at different films that could be classed as horror under different ratings. I have researched into what the BBFC classes as being acceptable for certain ratings and decided as a group what our film would be. I have also done a script for our 2 minute film. I need to look at one certain title sequence and analyse that bit by bit.

Emily Greenman

So far I have done the independent story lines as well as the final story line for our film, and a more focused one for the first two minutes. I have done lots of research into the genre of horror and then gone further to look at the sub genre of slasher horror in relation to the characters and representation. I have also looked at kind of mainstream distributor we would like to use for our film and done research into classification of similar films to ours. Also I have created a questionnaire for the public to give feedback on our story line.
I need to improve on my analysis of the first 15 minutes of a similar  film to ours as i thought to start with that i had done enough, but after getting feedback from my tutor I realised that more images and illustrations needed to be added, and also a lot more detail needed to be included for it to be up to standard.

Rachel Williams
  Since the beginning of this project, I have created a storyline for a potential horror film. We decided to take my idea further and I contributed towards refining what would happen in the first two minutes as well as creating character profiles for our two main characters. However, I feel that we shall need to improve the character profiles because we have only done two characters and the information on them is a bit sparse.
  I have also done quite a bit of research into the genre of horror, such as, its conventions, examples of horror films, typical actors, how horror films differ depending on their nationality and it's sub-genres. I have created a slideshare presentation for the codes & conventions of a slasher film, which is the sub-genre we feel our film falls into.
  Recently, I looked into a possible distributor for our film, I chose the Maverick Entertainment Group, which is an independent company and they specialize in promoting horror films. I feel they would be capable of distributing our film but would prefer to have a mainstream company to distribute our product because we would have fewer limitations.
  Within in the next few days I hope to complete my analysis of the first fifteen minutes of the 1981 My Bloody Valentine and create a set in stone storyboard and script for the start of the film.

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