Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Full Film Idea - Horror - Individual Idea

Main female character is running from an unknown entity. She stops suddenly and, to her relief, one of her friends is stood there, looking grim. The girl then screams and begins to run again as her friend collapses to the floor with a knife in their back and blood pouring from their mouth.
   Once home the female finds her mother lying on the floor, a knife in her back. Terrified, she runs upstairs to her bedroom, dives on her bed, throwing the cover over her head. Darkness.
   An alarm sounds and light fills the screen, the female character sits up in bed and turns off her alarm. The camera holds the shot of the bedside table with the alarm clock, a lamp and a picture of Amanda on it. The female character checks round her.
   She wanders downstairs, finding her mother in the kitchen, happy. She gets her breakfast then disappears back upstairs to get ready for the day.
   She goes through the motions of her day; goes to school, five lessons – she tells her friends about her dream that night – and then goes home - but a figure blocks her path as she is taking a shortcut. She remains calm, continuing to approach the figure.
   As she passes, a hand reaches out and grabs her wrist. She panics and swings out her arm out, catching the figure in the side of the jaw, and starts to run, as far away from it as possible, the shortest shortcut; the woods.
   She continues to run, pausing to catch her breath every so often. She stops when she hears a scream, looking round her. She sees her friend, she shouts at them to run, but they collapse to the floor, blood pouring from a hole in their back.
   Horrified, she starts to run again, she needed to get home, the only place that would be safe.
   She gets there and bursts through the door, screaming for her mother. With no reply, she runs round the house, checking every room and finally making it to the living room. Her mother over sprawled over the coffee table, a large knife protruding from her back.
   She runs for the kitchen, towards the back door. A figure is filling the frame so she backs up and hears a voice. It’s the next-door neighbour. She tells them to leave, to get away, but its too late. A metal blade slides through his chest and he splutters blood, the life leaving his eyes. The dark figure is now filling the doorway to the kitchen. She turns and runs out into the back yard, looking for something to defend herself with. She yelps, finding nothing and hides behind a garden chair.
   There is a deep voice telling her that she can’t hide, nothing and no-one will save her. A shadow looms over the female character and she screams.
   It cuts to the morning after, large writing covers the front of the female characters house “You are next” it reads in blood, with a severed body nailed next to it. Police are standing around, looking concerned, forensics are searching the scene and neighbours are crying.
   Cut to evening, in the police station. There is an image of Amanda pinned to the wall. Two high-ranking officers are discussing Amanda's death, saying how they still haven't got a lead on the case, when another officers pops her head round the door and says “It’s happened, a young boy this time.”
   More murders happen in the same way, with each message on the wall slightly different, giving the police subtle clues. 
   A new character, a tall young male officer, approaches the sergeant and tells him that he received a note the night before saying exactly who was going to die next, as well as where and when.
   The police are one step ahead. They prepare and lie in wait. The figure appears and grabs his victim. A single officer enters the scene. Another figure appears. Then another and another until there are ten figures.
   The police move in and a huge fight scene begins. After the fight, there are many officers dead. The sergeant shouts out to the last remaining figure, "Why are you doing this?" With which the figure responds by dropping a photograph, then walks away, stabbing an injured officer through the eye socket as he goes. The sergeant picks up the photograph, groaning with the effort and sees that it is a picture of Amanda. He lets the photo drop, realizing the connection between all of the victims, including the police officers, and who the murderer is.
   The next day, banging on Amanda's Father's door. They arrest him for countless murder's and put him behind bars. But when they go to collect him for his trial he has simply disappeared, leaving only a simple note "You are next."
    Cut to end credits.

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