Tuesday, 18 December 2012


For our film, we think that a range of people will be able to enjoy it, but because of the classification and some of the features of your film it wouldn’t be appropriate for younger teens or children, as it could be disturbing for them.
In relation to the age certificate, which we have decided is a 15, our films audience would be anyone over the age limitation, maybe a little higher as some people can be sensitive to blood and gore.
Males and females are both welcome to watch the film, and I don’t think there is a specific gender that would prefer it more. As a stereotype, boys are probably more likely to enjoy the horror side of it, but there will be girls that like horror films too. Also girls are likely to relate to the main characters, as apart form the killer (who is unknown) all the main characters are female. 
Apart from small children because of the age restriction, a family could probably sit and watch this film together. There are no rude or sexual scenes within our film, as there would be no 'cringe-worthy' moments that would create an awkward situation.
Because of the accents of the characters, regional audiences could lean towards our film. A northern audience might like it as they could relate to the characters and the places involved in the film, but it could entice other regions to see what northern life is like, even if it is horrific and far-fetched.
People who are interested in different slasher films such as Friday the 13th and the Halloween films would probably go watch our film for the same gory thrill. Also our film is slightly similar to the Scream franchise so anyone who enjoyed those would enjoy our film.

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